Saturday, January 16, 2016

lean manufacturing tools part-3

I would like to add this post regarding the comments on the previous posts.

Bucket Loss

Bucket loss is being addressed when the transition happens between the production of two products.

 Bucket loss means the efficiency drop when an old styles changes to a new style

So it is better to reduce that efficiency drop

We normally use some of the methods or else steps to over come this problems.
  • Identifying the critical operations.
  • Arrangement of machine setting
  • Pre-training for the machine operators.
  • Bulk preparation
after identifying and developing the above steps and methods, we can reduce the bucket loss as below.

Standard work sheets

Standards work sheets are being used to avoid the mistakes of the operators.
  • first we need to identify the what are the critical operations.
  • then those operations should be explained step by step.
  • then those work sheets should be shown to the relevant operators.
followings are some of the real standard work sheets.

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