Saturday, January 16, 2016

lean manufacturing tools part-3

I would like to add this post regarding the comments on the previous posts.

Bucket Loss

Bucket loss is being addressed when the transition happens between the production of two products.

 Bucket loss means the efficiency drop when an old styles changes to a new style

So it is better to reduce that efficiency drop

We normally use some of the methods or else steps to over come this problems.
  • Identifying the critical operations.
  • Arrangement of machine setting
  • Pre-training for the machine operators.
  • Bulk preparation
after identifying and developing the above steps and methods, we can reduce the bucket loss as below.

Standard work sheets

Standards work sheets are being used to avoid the mistakes of the operators.
  • first we need to identify the what are the critical operations.
  • then those operations should be explained step by step.
  • then those work sheets should be shown to the relevant operators.
followings are some of the real standard work sheets.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Employee Training

                                                 Trainee Development 




In any organization, effective employee performance can't be expected without a proper employee training. And also proper employee training is a motivational factor. So the level of skill of the employees can be developed well by creating and implementing a proper training program.

The employee training programs are being implemented because of variety of reasons. as examples 

  • Training is a must to amateurs.
  • In order to increase the level of efficiency of the workers.
  • According to the performance appraisal, current employees should be trained in accordance with their job positions.
  • in order to increase the level of production value.
  • as a part of overall professional development.
  • to train about specific subject.
  • in order to motivate employees.
  • to promote employees.

so it is better to identify the key areas which should be developed under this employee training and development program. and also there are much benefits from employee training and development. as examples.
  • increased efficiency
  • increased job satisfaction
  • increased employee motivation
  • reduce employee turnover
  • risk management
so in any organization, efficiency and higher level of performance of employees lead to achieve the organizational goals timely. so in order to do that employee training is necessary.

                               Training and Development plan 

 After conducting the training and development plan it is better to keep followings.

  1. Provide an environment to continuously improve their individual skills.
  2. Inspire team members to challenge their own capacity.
  3. Develop competition spirit.
  4. Develop culture to share the skills and knowledge through team members. 


lean manufacturing tools part-2

I would like to add this post in accordance with the comments on my previous post

Layout discussion based on a new style ( V neck T-shirt)

need to select names of operators for each operations

         approved mock up for pre set machines  

as an example i would like to mention a mock-ups V-neck T-shirt

mock-ups for critical operations( V-neck T-shirt)


Saturday, January 9, 2016

Lean manufacturing tools

Quick Changeover (QCO) mechanism 



Sri lanka is one of the famous countries which has been exporting the commodities whole over the world since the ancient times. Since few decades before the apparel industry has been showing outstanding development of exporting and earning foreign exchange. At present the apparel industry has become the leading exporter and leading earner of foreign exchange to the country among the other exporting commodities like tea, rubber, coconut, gems and jewelries.

So it is better to talk about lean manufacturing tools for the apparel industry. there are few lean manufacturing tools which are heavily being used in the apparel industry. those are 



  So i would like to express my ideas about Quick ChangeOver which is effectively used in my factory: MAS Active Mamadala.



  So i would like to talk about this tool with respect to the mechanisms of factory.