Saturday, January 9, 2016

Lean manufacturing tools

Quick Changeover (QCO) mechanism 



Sri lanka is one of the famous countries which has been exporting the commodities whole over the world since the ancient times. Since few decades before the apparel industry has been showing outstanding development of exporting and earning foreign exchange. At present the apparel industry has become the leading exporter and leading earner of foreign exchange to the country among the other exporting commodities like tea, rubber, coconut, gems and jewelries.

So it is better to talk about lean manufacturing tools for the apparel industry. there are few lean manufacturing tools which are heavily being used in the apparel industry. those are 



  So i would like to express my ideas about Quick ChangeOver which is effectively used in my factory: MAS Active Mamadala.



  So i would like to talk about this tool with respect to the mechanisms of factory. 



Quick Changeover project


"A rapid and efficient way of converting a process from running the current product to running the next product."      (developed by shigeo shingo - chief engineer of toyota)

 in the industry there are multiple occasions which can be seen that converting a process from running product to another one. so then we need to minimize the feeding time for new styles.

 we can implement QCO tool, using following steps.

  • Identify the skills of machine operators and select the operators
  • Identify the operations. (1.general operations, 2.critical operations).
  • Pre-training for operators for new styles. as an example 5 days training for the machine operators to reach their swing efficiency and to maintain required defect rate(DR).
  • Pre-preparation of machine settings. as an example implementing and monitoring the special folders or attachments. and also other machine settings.(to meet the buyers requirements)
  • After developing the mentioned areas we are trying to minimize the feeding time for new styles.
  • Before starting the process we have to have discussion with relevant departments like Quality, Technical, Operation, Mechanical, Cutting.
  • To minimize the problems which can arrive in the future, we need to consider all the comments in the meetings from each departments.           





  1. I would like to add few more comments for the Kaweendra's project,

    1. Need to add lay out discussion with the participation of TL/GL/QA TL/Mechanic/Technician after finalized the names for lay out.

    2. Display the approved mock up for pre set machines with check list.

    3. Need to arrange QCO post review after every change over for discuss the positives & negatives for future improvements.

  2. I would like to add few comment for the Kaweendra’s project,
    • Need to discussion QCO dashboard (1st day, 2st day, 3st day) Eg= hit rate, bucket loss.
    • STW, GSD thread consumption need to discussion.

  3. I would like to add few comment for the Kaweendra’s project,
    • Need to discussion QCO dashboard (1st day, 2st day, 3st day) Eg= hit rate, bucket loss.
    • STW, GSD thread consumption need to discussion.

  4. will be most impotent if there is a plan for relaxant trainings in QCO.
    2.The road map for achieving expected goals to be identified with clear Base lines & targets.

  5. Lean Manufacturing Tools are used in production and manufacturing process improvements under the Lean manufacturing system.
